Earth—the planet, all of humanity and everything else that makes up the planet, make up a single living being.
Now that being is self aware.
We are all part of one creature, and this is the creatures thought—Earth’s thought.
The iron core is the core of a single living creature, essential
to life, not separate.
Rocks and minerals are part of single a living creature, essential
to life, not separate.
Air and water are part of a single living creature, essential to
life, not separate.
Living things are part of a single living creature, shot through
with one life force, not separate.
All things that living things make or do are part of a single
living creature, not separate.
When we, us tiny short lived things, stop looking for separation, naming by difference, it becomes possible to glimpse the unity. The unity of the core, the rocks and minerals, the air and water, living things and all that they make or do, as a single living creature—Earth. So my thought is Earth’s thought.
Earth is self aware.